We need real solutions that put impoverished people and creation at the center.
Our Integral Ecology program (formerly known as the Faith Economy Ecology program) brings together the efforts of our Environmental Justice advocacy and Economic Justice advocacy to bring comprehensive change to a number of key issues:
International climate policies – We seek a robust climate agreement that is binding, ambitious, and that can keep the planet below a 1.5 degrees Celsius increase. The Green Climate Fund, if fully funded, can be a powerful driver of finance to the most vulnerable countries. The GCF complements other sources of multilateral and U.S. bilateral funds that support low- and middle- income countries to adapt, prepare, and prevent climate impacts. We also need strong national level policies in place that uphold the carbon pricing principles endorsed by members of the Washington Interreligious Staff Community (WISC), of which the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns is a member.
Renewable Energy – It is time for heavy investment in renewable energy that does not harm creation or vulnerable communities. We need to move away from subsidizing the exploration, extraction and development of fossil fuels and instead promote alternative energy sources, mass transportation, agroecological farming and similar approaches designed to reduce energy use.
Solidarity Economy – We can build an economy of thriving and resilient communities through promotion and protection of local economies. Communities should have a voice in how investments are structured. Greater attention must be given to developing cooperatives, local businesses and food systems, and to ensuring access to a social safety net. We call for an end to excessive financial speculation. A financial transaction tax would both help curb excessive speculation that destabilizes markets and generate much-needed revenue to fund international climate finance, social programs, and other initiatives that serve the common good.
Just Trade and Investment – Global economic policies need reform to be in right relationship with communities and creation. Investments need to be at the service of creation and people, not corporations. Trade and investment agreements have allowed corporations and powerful governments to undermine environmental, public health, and other country and local laws at the service of the common good. Yet in many cases, corporations are given legal tools to protect their profit.
Read the founding document of the Faith-Economy-Ecology-Transformation (FEEt) coalition: A call to integrate faith, ecology and the global economy
Read our newsletter Encounters Where Faith, Economy, Ecology Meet
Photo: Hands working together via Pixabay