Third Thursday: Let light shine from Bethlehem to Gaza! Call on Congress to support an end to Israel's occupation. Join global movement to ensure development respects human rights National call in days to protect families from deportation, Dec. 9-12 Tell Senate Foreign Relations Committee: No new military authorization Contact the White House and urge broader relief for undocumented immigrants Third Sunday of Advent: Call on policymakers to invest in development for all God’s people Third Thursday: Call on Congress to help end violence, foster a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians Take action: Urge Obama's veto of Keystone vote Take action: Urge U.S. to support Green Climate Fund Nov. 5-13: National call in days to protect families from deportation Send message to Obama, Congress urging end to family detention Third Thursday: Call on Congress to support Gaza aid, end the blockade Pages« first‹ previous…333435363738394041…next ›last »
Third Thursday: Let light shine from Bethlehem to Gaza! Call on Congress to support an end to Israel's occupation.
Third Thursday: Call on Congress to help end violence, foster a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians